Every virtual event is an experiment. There’s always something you could have done better or something you learn. Even after the paradigms have shifted, event organizers, speakers, and the audience at large are still only getting accustomed to virtual and hybrid events. This means there’s still room for error when using a virtual event platform.
However, there are small precautions that can be taken to avoid a lot of the confusion. Here are 5 tips to avoid failure when using a virtual event platform:
#1. Get your audience ready
#2. Help inexperienced speakers get familiar with the technology
#3. Test and rehearse with your virtual event platform
#4. Don’t forget to customize your virtual event platform
#5. Don’t ignore the basics

#1. Get your audience ready
Your audience is the star of your event (be it in-person or virtual). Hence, keep your audience in the know from the start to the finish of your event. Initially, it is essential to leverage communication via your website, emails and social media to reach out to the right audience and have them sign-up. Anticipate that people may forget about or lose interest in the event and keep reminding them of how they might benefit from attending.
Be aware that since there’s technology involved, there’s room for technical mishaps. Prepare your audience. During the event, the virtual event platform can push notifications and announcements to the attendees. The host can also give instructions. You can even allow participants to practice sending messages or launching an event. Having the host make a quirky video guide that can be shared before the event, would be optimal!
#2. Help inexperienced speakers get familiar with the technology
Most presenters are still fairly new to virtual event platforms. Some may have conducted webinars, however, both of these aren’t entirely the same. Let your speakers know that you need crisp and exciting content. In addition, to calm their nerves get them video-ready. This includes everything from not wearing busy patterns such as stripes to not using over-dramatic gestures.

To begin with, send speakers an onboarding manual. Let your speakers know what engagement features your platform includes so they can plan content accordingly. Allow your speakers to rehearse their session so they get comfortable with the platform. Make sure they upload all content beforehand to avoid any last-minute confusion. Having a speaker-support person to look into any technical glitches that may come up is recommended.
#3. Test and rehearse with your virtual event platform
Let alone the audience and speakers, you as the organizer, need to know your way around your virtual event platform. You may have hosted events online previously, but remember that every virtual event platform is different - and so is every event!
You need to be prepared for any technical issues that may pop up. In order to help your team fix it asap, you need to have thorough knowledge about the various features, engagement options, audience tracking devices that you’ve included in your event. Have a few test runs with the platform before you take the show live.
#4. Don’t forget to customize your virtual event platform
Your virtual event platform is your online venue. Just like how you’ll tweak a physical venue to suit the nature of your event and the expectations of your audience, you should customize your virtual event platform.
Bad UX could reflect badly with your audience. Those that have attended virtual events previously or seen videos of other classy events, might recognize the amateur efforts that had gone into production. Also, just for the sake of having more features, don’t include everything that the platform offers. Be wise to pick features that compliment the event and enhance the user’s experience. You should also plan your content accordingly.
#5. Don’t ignore the basics
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amazing event you’re planning. While being occupied with all the big aspects of your event, don’t forget to check (double-check!) on all the basics. This includes your audio equipment, cameras, lighting, internet, and of course, the agenda.
Not taking care of little things such as these, can reflect badly in case of a mishap. So, make sure your audio is of superior quality. Experts suggest that the transmitting rate of audio should be no less than 192 Kbps. There’s nothing worse than a wavering internet speed. Here again, experts suggest that a hard-wired internet connection such as Ethernet is more suitable for uninterrupted live streams rather than Wi-Fi.
From an event planner’s perspective, it’s high time to start avoiding rookie mistakes. A virtual event does not fail-proof just by following these five tips - there are plenty of other factors pertaining to your circumstance that can influence success, including the virtual event platform you choose. However, these tips can increase your probability of planning and conducting a successful event.
If you’re on the lookout for a virtual event platform with mind-blowing customizable features, book a live demo with us, today!